Friday, March 5, 2010

“Homage to Mapplethorpe”

oil on canvas
painting by
Mark Fulwider

By love, Heart was ask, 
“What is beauty?” 
“Beauty is thy self”, Heart replied. 
Then Heart held all the beauty of 
love in the world... from within. 

Let love be the question.... 
Rejoice! Love abounds! 
Oh my soul!
words by
Mark Fulwider


  1. hello there. thank you for leaving behind such niceties . you have a profound palate . the colors are brilliant. i studied painting and call myself a graduate painter but alas! have A.D.D :) inconsistency my chief shortcoming. good to know fellow artists do not share this trait . hope to see more your of work soon.


  2. six years later... My mind is blank... what a world we have created. Painting is not enough... The Arts have become overwhelmed. Seems like I can do nothing but breath out. and out. just out and out.
